The Pinky Promise Surprise Party Carriage is a fantastic mystery box in the shape of a carriage. Includes 3 surprise figures, 2 hair clips, 1 collector's guide and 1 collector's card.
Expand your collection with the new Pinky Promise Surprise Party line and collect new Gemmy Friends.
Each Gemmy measures 3 cm and the carriage has a dual purpose as it can be used to transport the precious Gemmy Friends.
With Pinky Promise, little ones enter the adorable world of jewelry and gemstones.
By mixing and matching Gemmy Friends and jewelry, kids can express their creativity and individuality while having fun wearing them.
All Gemmy Friends can be worn with all the jewelry that comes with Pinky
Promise products.
There are over 80 different characters to collect and wear.
With Pinky Promise, you can make your best promises come true with sparkling