Musical Toys

Tune Up Playtime with Musical Toys for Infants and Toddlers from Toy Kingdom
Children and music are always woven together. While music is instinctively used to calm and soothe babies, it can also bring development benefits to children of all ages.
As a parent, building musical experiences for your kid as early as possible was proven to have a beneficial impact on the child’s early education. That is where musical educational toys come into play.
Give your baby a fun musical time with musical toys available at Toy Kingdom! We have a selection of musical instrument toys for kids of all ages to have them start a passion for music as early as possible!
Baby musical toys
Infants can already recognize a melody. Start introducing music to your baby by playing quiet background music or short, simple songs while bathing, dressing, or eating.
Check out baby musical toys that relax your baby such as WinFun’s 2-in-1 Melody Fun Arch, a perfect choice for 0 to 5 months old babies. This 2-in-1 stroller arch toy and mobile feature an LED night light that plays soothing melodies with a teether and soft toys that encourage reaching and grasping.
If you are looking for a birthday gift for your baby, the Halilit Baby's 1st Birthday Band Toy is an excellent choice. This unique child-friendly set includes an assortment of instruments that the baby can play music with their tiny hands.
Children's musical toys
Toddlers and preschoolers enjoy music. It is the stage where they get to dance to music and sing. Help your toddler develop motor and auditory skills through music with musical instrument toys.
This toy is a great way to familiarize your kids with musical instruments. You can even choose other available musical instrument toys from Infunbebe such as xylophone, saxophone, trumpet, and more!
There are plenty of musical toy choices in stock at Toy Kingdom. Find top baby toy brands such as Kidshop, Winfun, Infunbebe, Halilit, Fisher-Price, and more! Discounts and deals are available on select musical toys for infants and toddlers.
Shop now at the nearest Toy Kingdom store or visit for hassle-free shopping!